About Us

We are a team of jewellery designers with a penchant for jewellery and fun accessories. We each have our distinct sense of style, administration and proficiency, with a common value system and goal. This is the most wonderful thing about our team because our unique creative sensibilities and design ideas come together beautifully to create something that we are proud of, One of a kind gorgeous designs which would hopefully make the beautiful lady who wears them very happy and thus rendering us successful in our goal.
Our journey began 4 years ago when we met at the JD Institute for our diploma course in Jewellery Designing. We could instantly connect with each other, one thing led to another and by a stroke of fate, Heer came into existence.
Our journey has been tumultuous, emotional, insanely happy, comedic and many other things, it’s been full of ups and downs which have helped bring Heer to where it is today. For us, it is our baby, something we treasure dearly and something that is sacred to us.
A rock full of possibilities is put under immense pressure which then goes through further challenges of being harshly polished. This gives rise to a glittering diamond, flawless to the world. Our brand name “Heer” is derived from the Indian word for diamond, its meaning resonates with our journey and we would like to believe its outcome too.
Here is a little something about our team members for you to get to know us better-




 SHIKHA- “I was very young when I had gone for a fashion show with my mother, I did not know at that point that designing jewellery could be a full-on career option. I had grown up seeing my mother as an exceptional influence who managed a creatively satisfying career along with her home beautifully. I always had it set in my mind to get into this creatively fulfilling line.
What appealed to me the most was the feeling I would get when an idea in my mind would turn into a beautiful piece which would, in turn, give the wearer such delight and that she would get showered with compliments for it. It gives me great joy be a part of something that has been so rewarding to my persona and that makes me immensely happy." 




 VRINDA- “Jewellery and all things related to dressing up had always fascinated me. I remember collecting pictures of jewellery which appealed to me from magazines and newspapers and making a scrapbook using it as a child.
A gorgeous pair of jhumkas, an interesting looking charm bracelet or a vibrant lariat necklace has the power to uplift one's mood and bring a smile to the face of the person who adorns it. This was the thought behind me getting into this field. I absolutely love my work, I credit it with so much and it’s something I can do all day and yet be energized for the next day of work.”

SREEMANJARI- "As a child, nothing fascinated me more than sifting through my mother’s jewellery box and carefully examining its contents. My mother would tell me interesting stories about its origin, whether it was gifted by someone special or maybe it had a rare stone embedded in it. After some time I would collect her unused pieces of jewellery and get a karigar to refurbish it into something of use. I never knew at the time that something that gave me such joy and creative fulfilment would be what I would get to do full-time many years later.
Jewellery for me holds a deep connection and few things give me greater happiness than being able to sit huddled with my Heeras as we munch on food, chat and design jewellery which springs from a place of joy and positivity.”